
菠菜网lol正规平台 Students posing for the camera.


学生在圣何塞州立大学的时间是关于发现的,无论是内部还是外部 教室. Through shared experiences with peers, service to the community, and acts of creation, recreation and cohabitation, discover who 你 want to be.


相关学生, home of 菠菜网lol正规平台's student government.


学生政府之家,塞萨尔·查韦斯社区行动中心,儿童发展 中心,综合服务中心,印刷和技术中心以及运输解决方案, 相关学生 (A/S) is here to enhance 你r experience!

菠菜网lol正规平台 student organization, Grupo Folklorico.

Student Organizations

在30,000斯巴达人中找到你的位置,这里有近450个公认的学生组织 从文化团体和希腊生活到数百个特别活动 利益集团.

Council of fraternities and sororities event at 菠菜网lol正规平台.

Fraternities and Sororities

自1898年以来,菠菜网lol正规平台的兄弟会和姐妹会提供了一个充满乐趣的氛围 友谊,社区服务和个人发展使大学生活 a memorable experience.

African American College Readiness Summit.

Black Leadership and Opportunity Center

黑人领导和机会中心是菠菜网lol正规平台黑人学生生活的中心. 我们提供文化节目、专业发展和学术活动 that promote community building and overall student success.

凯撒E. Chavez Community Action Center at the Student Union.

Cesar Chavez Community Action Center

作为学生联合会的一部分,CCCAC为菠菜网lol正规平台学生提供社区服务机会 这加深了他们的教育经历,同时促进了对公民的终身承诺 激进主义和社会正义,这是塞萨尔·查韦斯遗产的核心.

菠菜网lol正规平台 students at the Chicanx/Latinx Fall Welcome.

Chicanx/Latinx Student Success Center

Chicanx/拉丁裔学生成功中心是一个响应和文化相关的中心 学术成功中心致力于提供包容和欢迎的社区空间.

Cyber Spartans Encourage Next Generation of Coders.

Center for Community Learning 和领导能力

CCLL提倡服务学习和社区参与,与学生合作, 教职员工和社区组织的学术进步和服务 共同利益.

Students from the 性别平等中心 at the Rainbow Graduation.


性别平等中心致力于赋予学生权力,并对校园进行性别教育 社会面临的问题.

Military and Veteran students in the 教室.

Veterans Resource Center

退伍军人资源中心自豪地支持所有退伍军人,预备役军人,现役军人 personnel and veteran dependents.

Students entering the MOSAIC Cross Cultural Center at the Student Union.

MOSAIC Cross Cultural Center

MOSAIC跨文化中心为来自香港的学生提供支持服务和宣传 历史上未被充分代表的身份群体,以及校园项目和活动.

Students promoting the Pride Center, an 菠菜网lol正规平台 Student Organization.


PRIDE中心致力于为LGBTIQQA学生改善校园氛围,倡导 for the respect and safety of all members of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 community.

UndocuSpartan资源中心项目协调员Navarrete Avina说.

UndocuSpartan Student Resource Center

UndocuSpartan学生资源中心提供经济援助资源和法律 support for undocumented students.

Students crossing the street and 一个 skateboarding with masks on.


发现菠菜网lol正规平台是我们的数字平台,可以复制您可能发现的机会 as 你 travel across campus. This dashboard will update regularly to expose 你 to a variety of our many programs, events, and services throughout the year.

San Jose State's Student Wellness Center


There are many ways for the campus community to enage and be well. 健康不是 only about physical and mental health. Learn how to take care of all dimensions of 健康:身体,社会,情感,职业,多元文化,环境, spiritual and intellectual.

Arts and Entertainment

The Provident Credit Union Event Center at San Jose State University.

Provident Credit Union Event Center

上海州立大学的Provident Credit Union活动中心是美国首屈一指的中型场所 加州北部. It has hosted national entertainment acts such as Shawn Mendes, Fifth Harmony, Brand New and Prince Royce. It's also the home of Spartan men's and 女子篮球.

锤剧院 Center located in hte heart of downtown San Jose.

锤剧院 Center

在圣何塞市中心的心脏,锤剧院服务于圣何塞的社区和 通过高质量的节目表达大学的独特特色 and diverse cultures that comprise 硅谷.

音乐 students performing in an auditorium.


从著名的合唱团到摇摆的爵士乐团,音乐学院人声鼎沸 over 20 ensembles and over 120 performances each year.



由一些世界上最好的教师艺术家教,来体验美丽 performances of 菠菜网lol正规平台's dance students!

To Kill a Mockingbird play from the Theatre Arts department.


电影和戏剧通过斯巴达电影工作室创作短片和故事片,一个完整的 舞台制作的季节,以及其他教职员工和学生的制作项目. The department also has a full-time radio station, KSJS 90.5. 

Center For Literary Arts guest author Natalie Baszile and 菠菜网lol正规平台 students.

Center for Literary Arts

CLA提供阅读、讲座、对话和研讨会,让San Jose community to interact with writers of contemporary literature.

Students at the Natalie and James Thompson Art Gallery.

Natalie and James Thompson Art Gallery

专业策划的展览在娜塔莉和詹姆斯·汤普森画廊创造 直接链接到学术课程和探索当代和各种问题 传统艺术.

Students bowling at the Bowling Center in the Student Union.


校园娱乐为学生提供了各种运动和娱乐的机会 校园社区,从校内运动和俱乐部到保龄球中心,健身活动 and outdoor adventures.

硅谷's downtown San Jose.



菠菜网lol正规平台 students enjoying the annual Fire at the Fountain.


从诗歌朗诵到斯巴达家庭游戏,你总能找到事情做 San Jose State that will enrich 你r college experience. Keep up with what’s going on.

Caring for the Spartan Family

菠菜网lol正规平台在乎 staff holds fresh produce offerings from the Spartan Food Pantry.


有一群斯巴达人随时准备为学生提供帮助 课堂外可能影响学业成功的情况和问题. 菠菜网lol正规平台 关怀帮助学生经历不可预见的经济危机,食品和住房不安全.

Rick Becker, '12 Nursing uses adaptive technology.

Accessible 教育 Center

教统会提供全面的服务,支持教育的发展 and success of students with disabilities. 

Annual UPD 安全 Fair took place at the Paseo de Cesar Chavez pathway.


Community safety is a top priority at San Jose State. Learn about all aspects of campus safety, sign up for emergency alerts, report an incident and more.

父母和 家庭计划

父母和 家庭计划

父母和家庭在帮助学生在学业上取得成功方面起着重要的作用 获得学位之路. Get resources and information about how to stay connected and best support 你r child in their educational journey.

student-alumni connections

Student-Alumni 连接s

菠菜网lol正规平台学生-校友关系直接将学生与20万专业人士联系起来 通过斯巴达成功系列网络和职业活动, 奖学金、社会活动、指导、领导机会等等.

Student Jobs and Employment

Alumni, Sandra Deleon at the 职业中心.


菠菜网lol正规平台就业中心激励,授权和连接学生,教育工作者和雇主. 搜索 for jobs, explore possible careers, find a mentor and more.

Call Center student workers at the annual Call Center BBQ.


在校园里从事全职或兼职工作是加深人际关系的好方法 to 你r community while earning m一个y for school. Explore opportunities that excite 你.

Freshman Orientation student leader working through federal work-study.


联邦勤工俭学允许学生在赚钱的同时获得宝贵的工作经验 m一个y to help pay for college. A focus is placed on providing community service jobs both on and off campus.

Child Development Center is a non-profit early education and care program.

Child Development Center

作为联合学生的一部分,疾控中心是一个非营利性的早期教育和护理项目 服务于4个月到5岁的儿童,有110名儿童的执照.